Meet our students

Find out more about university life within the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment from the people who know it best - our students.

"Aerospace engineering is a fascinating subject area that has many different subject applications such as aerodynamics, programming and business principles. Unlike other universities you experience working in industry-standard labs from the first year onwards.

Studying at Kingston Universityprovides you with valuable work experience in a competitive field, by way of practical projects and work placements."

Kelsea Karim - Aerospace Engineering BSc(Hons)
Josh Chana - Construction Management BSc (Hons)

"My course is perfect for going into the industry that I am aiming for, and that is the same for most courses at the University, especially in this faculty. The lecturers do their own research, which means that we study the most recent industry developments on our course.

The top construction companies all come to Kingston's Construction Career fayres, which goes to show how highly they rate the University, course and lecturers!"

"As part of my degree I carried out a 15-month placement with GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare company.

I was supporting network security, looking after the firewalls and proxy servers in a number of offices across 140 countries. The role involved high responsibility and the chance to give my opinion on different projects being carried out."

Hamid Ahmadi - Cyber Security & Computer Forensics BSc (Hons)