Mrs Christiana Wuche


I am a Lecturer in Adult Nursing. I qualified as an adult nurse in 2014 from 重口味SM, with a BSc Hons in Adult Nursing. I have worked in different clinical settings since graduation namely orthopaedic nursing, gynaecology nursing before settling in Intensive Care. I completed The ITU course at the University of West London and have used the knowledge and expertise to work across various Intensive care units across London and beyond. During the pandemic, I worked as part of the front-line intensive Care Nursing Team that delivered high quality care patient care during this challenging time.

I developed a passion for teaching and mentoring student nurses during my clinical experience. This is because of my belief in empowerment through education. This passion had led me to become a Lecturer in Adult Nursing with the aim to support effective student learning and facilitate positive student experience. I have been a link lecturer, a personal tutor, module leader for Nursing Associates and Adult Nursing modules. 

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer Adult Nursing


  • Intensive Care Module Courses - CPD. University of West London
  • BSc Adult Nursing - 重口味SM

Teaching and learning

Undergraduate courses taught