Water consumption at 重口味SM

Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

重口味SM's practices tie in with the United Nations SDGs, which aim to transform our world and promote prosperity for all while protecting our planet. The University's policy on water consumption supports:

Our commitment

Our commitment

We recognise that many aspects of our operations use water, and therefore we are committed to reducing water use and promoting water efficiency. Kingston Universityprovides free drinking water at our catering outlets and other locations across our campus sites. Please remember to carry a re-usable water bottle with you to help reduce single-use plastic waste.

Water-saving devices, such as low flow taps and flushing toilets and waterless urinals, have been installed across our campus sites including the Services Building, Town House, Knights Park Tower Block and the New Extension.

The Estates and Sustainability Team actively monitors water usage to identify and fix leaks within buildings and below ground. Did you know a dripping tap can waste up to 10,000 litres of water per year? That's more than one full bath tub each week!

Get in touch with the Sustainability Team

Estates and Sustainability
Services Building
Penrhyn Road Campus
Kingston upon Thames
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)20 8417 6520

Get in touch with the Sustainability Team